Tuesday, May 8, 2012


EDT just gets more and more exciting each week. A succesful Twitter account with more mentions and samples being shipped to us here and there. Our most recent Energy Thursday's drink up for review: RIPPED RAGE: Thermogenic Matrix.

Claiming to be one of "The toughest on the shelf" Ripped Rage was simply like any ol' energy drink to me. The flavour wasn't great. The energy was good, but I've personally had better. I ended my work day off with my usual Thursday run (gotta run off the extra energy). My run was surprising a lot longer and easier than usual. I was also looking for another place to rent in the area I live. Upon returning home I found myself more anxious than usual. I usually feel great after a run but this time I was tired, grouchy and full of rage (sugar crash maybe?). I didn't stay up as I usually do either but I did feel myself motivated enough to learn how to cut my own hair. Which I felt was pretty ambitious.

(Above: Nikki taking double energy after no sleep for 3 days).

All in all this drink was not the best I've had but still sufficient enough for our weekly EDT!!!! Can't wait until next week!!! I give RIPPED RAGE a sold 6/10.

If you would like to be reviewed by Energy Drink Thursdays please send an e-mail to energydrinkthursdays@hotmail.ca

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