The biggest events were on twitter. Several tweets, retweets and even promises of samples from energy drink companies lets us know that we will experience success!!
And now onto the review: I imagine our reviews will become more and more thourough after blogging about a new energy drink each week. I'm sure we ourselves will experience some feedback about the blog where we will need to change a few things each week.
This week it was my turn to bring in the drinks! Last week, I noticed that Rockstar has a new lineup of about 4 drinks. One of my fellow EDTers Jamie brought in an unusual looking can from Rockstar last week. It was a white can with blue writing and this indicated to me that there must be new flavours!
Having tried actual coconut water in the past, I was jonesin' to try Rockstar's energy drink version!
From the second it hit my lips it was very cool, crisp, rerfreshing and sweet (not sugary). Although I enjoyed the coconutty flavour, there was still something quite artificial tasting about this drink. Given the fact that energy drinks are not natural in the first place, I was not surprised. Taking a closer look at the can I noticed a little subtitle on the front: 10% Coconut Juice. Well there it is. This drink has it's coconut flavour from the 10% coconut juice which is mildly dissapointing. Nonetheless it was still tasty. I feel this would even be a good drink to add some Malibu and crushed ice to on a hot summer's day. Dare I say a delicious new drink for the summer months? MMMM.
The energy feeling from this drink was fairly standard for myself. I had a lot of work to do Thursday and was quite satisfied with the way the energy helped me to pick up the pace! The workweek will be over in no time ( I think to myself). Going home that evening I started off with a run before dinner. My standard run was over in no time and I wasn't even tired after! The energy not only worked, it lasted several hours! I was up until midnight!! The energy drink hangover the next day was a little more intense than usual. It was very hard to get moving that morning. In fact, I was pretty overly grouchy until I settled myself down with a coffee. Tune into next week's review. I believe that BEAVER BUZZ is on the way! Follow us on twitter @Energydrinkthur and if you're interested in sending samples so that we can review your drink please e-mail us at
Overall I give Rockstar Rehab's coconut water 7/10.
Amidst a flurry of frail promises encountered in my daily client meetings, one sturdy element emerged. The Rockstar Rehab turns your nerves from puppy in a haunted house to MacGuyver in a supply closet. 7.5/10-Jamie Brook
Rehab Coconut Water = my favourite
Almost 7pm & still feeling great due to today's
I didn't like it at all. It tasted bad-Clancy Hoy