Friday, April 6, 2012

Caffeine is a helluva drug...

     In October 2011 there was concern that energy drinks were too dangerous for people in Canada. I think we are all pretty aware of the damage energy drinks can do.  They contain controversial ingredients – namely guarana, taurine, caffeine, Cyanocobalamin, citric acid and ginseng.
    It's interesting to me that people are beginning to compare energy drinks to drugs. Obviously, misuse could lead to a hospital visit. I believe at one point there was talk of making energy drinks illegal for purchase to anyone under the age of 18. I even heard that stores might even need to lock them up. It will be interesting to see in the next year the challenges we may have to face when buying energy drinks.
    I personally don't see much difference between energy drinks and coffee. The feeling I experience is the same.
